Yellow Wagtails

John Thorogood
John Thorogood
Total Posts:  45
Joined  11-02-2016
18 June 2019 15:54

Three or four seen early afternoon around 2.30 pm. My viewpoint was the second gate east of the North Drain, looking north.  The birds showed intermittently over a period of 30 minutes but were never closer to the road than about fifty metres.

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
Total Posts:  89
Joined  26-01-2017
15 June 2019 20:28

At 16:00, Seven Yellow Wagtails, same place. Very easy to spot on a dull wet day. One being a Juvenile. Also you can easily hear them.

At 17:10, Also 2 Eurasian Curlews in the same field as the Wagtails but far out, They eventually took off calling as they flew. I could only manage photo of one of them. I do have distant shots of the pair but not good enough quality to share.

Nick Wilcox-Brown
Nick Wilcox-Brown
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11 June 2019 19:54
Paul Cousins - 11 June 2019 04:08 AM
Nick Wilcox-Brown - 10 June 2019 08:10 PM

Very nice Yellow Wag picture Paul - also the short video clip of the LSW chick - I recognise that tree. Are you by chance the Nikon user I met there in late May?

With nesting birds I am always very careful and don’t put no reference to locations,  so as not to have a circus. It surprises me you recognise a tree that could be anywhere in the country.

Indeed Paul, I do the same myself and yes, it could be anywhere, but like people, Birds and Trees are recognisable - I had the same reaction when I questioned someone on FB about a particular Heron they had photographed without attribution to location - it was a regular in the Beauly firth.

I photographed the same LSW nest site and could see the young bird was ready to fledge: I was behind the fence with a full frame camera, so not nearly as close as the parents had been badly disturbed.

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
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11 June 2019 04:08
Nick Wilcox-Brown - 10 June 2019 08:10 PM

Very nice Yellow Wag picture Paul - also the short video clip of the LSW chick - I recognise that tree. Are you by chance the Nikon user I met there in late May?

Hi Nick, I visited the site 6 times and successfully watched the birds fledge. There were 2 other LSW sites where I watched them nest one in Epping Essex. I use Canon gear.
With nesting birds I am always very careful and don’t put no reference to locations,  so as not to have a circus. It surprises me you recognise a tree that could be anywhere in the country. I made all my photo’s private during this nesting period, but the movie clip I forgot as it took so long to download. Now the birds have left the nest I suppose I can now remove the Privacy option.

Nick Wilcox-Brown
Nick Wilcox-Brown
Total Posts:  9
Joined  28-07-2016
10 June 2019 20:10

Very nice Yellow Wag picture Paul - also the short video clip of the LSW chick - I recognise that tree. Are you by chance the Nikon user I met there in late May?

Mike Dilger
Mike Dilger
Total Posts:  12
Joined  29-04-2019
07 June 2019 22:07

Great gen Paul and nice photos… I’ll be trying for them next week, so much appreciated. Mike

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
Total Posts:  89
Joined  26-01-2017
07 June 2019 21:06

I had a visit to Catcott via Tealham Moor this evening. Thunder and lightning and very heavy rain within 10 mins of me arriving, there were about 30-40 BT Godwits and 7 cattle Egrets, 7 Little Egrets and tons of Greylag geese.
Anyway When passing through Tealham Moor from Mark in field on left past the bridge over the North Drain (Where Jon Mattick) explained, 1 beauty male Yellow Wagtail about 50 metres out .I pulled into the pullover in front of the gate. I heard it before I saw it. It was on the 1st June when I saw 4 on the gate post (other side of the road) where I got the photo’s from the car.
I’ve even seen them on the over side of the road where the concrete entrance to the field is. You tend to get the cows that sit and hang around this area and the wagtails tend to be on the posts even when the cows are there.If you look at my photo you will most likely recognise the post and rusty bar they are standing on.

Jon Mattick
Jon Mattick
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07 June 2019 09:58

Yes - if you are driving across Tealham Moor towards Mark, the fields are on your right just before the bridge over the North Drain. Here and Jacks Drove are the two places I regularly see them.

Mike Dilger
Mike Dilger
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06 June 2019 17:35

Thanks Jon, I presume you mean east from where North Drain turns south to join the Brue? I’ll give it a go… much obliged, Mike

Jon Mattick
Jon Mattick
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06 June 2019 15:52

Try the second and third fields to the East of the North Drain on the north side of Totney Drove. A male there early this morning, usually one or two about that area.

Mike Dilger
Mike Dilger
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Joined  29-04-2019
06 June 2019 14:05

Hi Paul,

I’ve been trying to catch up with the Yellow Wags but drawn a blank on a couple of occasions… Are you catching up with them west of Jack’s Drove on Tealham Moor? Any help would be appreciated, thanks, Mike Dilger

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
Total Posts:  89
Joined  26-01-2017
02 June 2019 16:52

Just the one Yellow Wagtail this morning around 07:45 when I went through Tealham Common to get to Catcott Nature Reserve. (Too distant for a photo, but clearly seen in Bins).

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
Total Posts:  89
Joined  26-01-2017
01 June 2019 17:46

Very foggy at Tealham Moor this early morning. I counted 7 Yellow Wagtails in total. There were 4 on one gate preening. It would of made a nice photo but as I stuck the lens out the car window 3 females took off leaving the male behind. See photos

Plenty of Larks, Whitethroats and Linnets also.