
Matt Slaymaker
Matt Slaymaker
Total Posts:  11
Joined  05-01-2020
22 February 2020 13:29

Hi all,

Fantastic Starling roost last night (Fri 21st), with the birds eventually settling at the Ham Wall end of Shapwick.

Possibly of note… At least two noticeably pale birds were seen in amongst the flocks. One had pale in the wings so presumably a leucistic bird, but another appeared to have an extensively pale body and dark wings. Both came in low from the NE, in different flocks, and were seen a couple of times amongst the swirling flocks as they dropped low enough against a dark background. There is no way I could claim anything more on this view, but it may be worth giving feeding flocks seen in the wider area a second glance.

A few Great Egrets around, four booming bitterns and a lot of audible Water Rail activity.
