The Green - winged Teal was seen this morning again but not close to the hide
A Ringtail Hen Harrier flew through late morning. A Peregrine was also present at the far end of the reserve.
300+ lapwing at the Lows this morning was fairly unusual; more so, the flock of 40 golden plover with them. At least a dozen pintail still.
The pale marshie is from westhay (previously photographed in July and September, & also seen December) fading progressively:
Photo from yesterday:
Adult Drake Ring-necked Duck from the main Hide at Catcott Lows this morning. Also c.20 Pintail, and a partly leucistic Marsh Harrier, but no sign of the drake Green-winged Teal.
For a photo of the R-n Duck clickon this link:
Good range of duck at the Lows late this afternoon: around 500 wigeon, 100+ shoveler, 40 teal, 25 pintail, few gadwall and mallard and a single tufted duck. Two Egyptian geese; first I’ve seen there. A barn owl was hunting near the track to the Lows hide at 1615 hrs. I’m leading a walk on the Reserve on Saturday 11th January - details in our Events section.
Rain over the last few days has raised water levels several inches, with shallow flooding, particularly of the northern part of the Lows. Late afternoon this had attracted 30 or so lapwing with at least 20 snipe making short flights in the same area. The more usual mallard (25) and Canada geese (40). Brief glimpse of a hunting barn owl at 1740 hrs.
Late morning: 2 GW Egrets, 1 Little Egret, 7 Cattle Egrets, ad male Marsh Harrier, male Kingfisher and, best of all, watching 2 adult Hobbys for c.30 mins as they decimated the local population of 4 Spotted Chasers out in front of the hide - just brilliant!
Pair of spot fly’s and a hobby this afternoon, plus female marsh harrier and road casualty mink by the peat workings on burtle/ westhay road
06-July-2024 (10:00 to 12:00 hrs)
This morning, during strong winds, there were 21 Cattle Egrets (largest group 10), mostly flying around distant grazing cattle; 3 Little Egrets, 1 GW Egret, 2 Grey Herons, and a Bittern that made two brief up & down flights north of the central drainage rhyne and eventually flew low L to R across in front of the hide at 11:15 hrs, disappearing from sight. Otherwise c.20 Swifts, 3 House Martins, a Stock Dove, 3 Reed Buntings, 2 Common Buzzards and 4 Mallards - the only ducks present.
There is now a decent amount of mud in front of the Lows hide. This evening it held seven lapwing and a green sandpiper, with two little egrets and a cattle egret also giving good views.
Three cranes from the Lows hide at 2045 hrs this evening. All three wing-flapping and jumping together. Watched for 5 minutes before they flew in to denser vegetation and disappeared.
Short-eared Owl was seen from the hide at about 6pm on 1st April.
Ring tail Hen Harrier showing Saturday 30th in the morning just briefly . And the Male Hen Harrier appeared briefly Sunday 31st early afternoon.
Male hen harrier hunting over the Lows at 0830 this morning. My first willow warbler and swallow of the year too. Duck numbers continue to reduce: 8 mallard, 15 shoveler, 40 wigeon, 25 teal.
Ringtail Hen Harrier flew E to W at 3.45pm this afternoon. Also Bullfinch pair seen along track to south hide. Sparrowhawk and Marsh Harrier also about.