32 (!) Common sand this morning and the lingering Little gull still hawking about by the sailing club. 300+ hirrundines and 10+ swift.
2cy Little gull present for 5th day, with a total of 27 Common sandpiper noted (16 and 11 respectively) - can anybody shed light on the totals, 27 seems like an extraordinarily high number? In excess of 250 hirrundines, with 3 Tufted duck and the pair of Mandarin also present. Quite surprising that there were no terns or more Little gull given the seemingly perfect conditions, perhaps this evening.
in excess of a hundred twenty swallow/ martins this morning, two male Linnet on the waterside of the res, 5 common sand, and a first time for me in this particular area were Reed warblers , in the copse where the Cettis Weabler has been of late
Little gull still present early this morning, in flight and on the water midway between the clubhouse and the Cheddar tower. Also 7 common sandpipers, at least 3 swifts and a good number (100+) of mixed hirundines, mostly sand martins but a few house martins and swallows.
Third consecutive day for the 2cy Little gull. Rather quiet otherwise with 2 Tufted duck and 40+ hirrundines.
Little gull still present this morning, with a male shelduck dropping in briefly. 50-70 mixed hirrundines contained the first 2 swift of the year.
solitary Swallow late evening by the tennis club,,, but early doors saw around 14 common sandpiper a group of 8 and the others in a 4 and singles
Dogs, cycles, children, drones, boats, runners… despite high levels of disturbance this afternoon, 8+ Common sand, 2 Mandarin and a Arctic tern (I saw on twitter that Julian Thomas had much better views, but it was always a bit distant from the western bank) a Red kite drifting east along the Mendip escarpment was a bonus patch tick. Shame to have missed the rain earlier.
Minimum of 12 Common sandpiper on the western edge early this morning, quite a respectable count.
4 Common and 1 Arctic tern this evening.
Having said that, I’ve just found a reeling Grasshopper warbler in rough field north of the sewage works!
A frustrating and foggy morning with two fly-by calidrid giving a rasping call - certainly not dunlin. 4 white and 1 yellow wag on the deck along western embankment.
New adult Little gull roosted this eveing, also 400+ mixed hirrundines.
Someone posted pics of the drake mandarin taken today, so I guess he is still around. There was some concern he’d gone missing.