Car break-ins on Avalon Marshes

Nick Smith
Nick Smith
Total Posts:  17
Joined  23-01-2016
15 January 2017 18:51

The break-ins in the Levels car parks continue… My car was the first car in to Greylake RSPB car park this morning and at some point between 0930 and 1025 my rear window window was smashed and a rucksack, thankfully with not much in, was stolen. The boot compartment was hidden by the sliding shelf, so the thief decided to smash my window just on the off chance that there was something he could steal and sell on E-Bay or in the pub. The ******* was quick enough not to have been seen actually smashing the window, even though two other cars arrived shortly after me, and before I returned to the car park. A gentleman whom I spoke to told me that he had seen a man (non birder) in his mid 30s, in a third car which was grey, possibly a Ford model, at about 1000 and had told him that he was looking for a toilet. In my mind this person is the suspect. I’ve reported the theft to the Police, so we’ll see what they come up with. Based on other e-mails on this site, over the past 12 months there have now been at least 11 other break-ins in the following car parks: Westhay SWT 1100-1300 Fri 25 Nov; Sat/Sun 30/31 Jan 16; Greylake RSPB 1200 Tue 25 Oct, 1900 Mon 18 July; Shapwick NNR, Natural England, pm Sun 2 Oct, and Sun 25 Sep. Ham Wall RSPB, 2000-2200, Thur 30 Jun, and W/E 30/31 Jan; Canada Farm, NE, Thur 14 July, and W/E 30/31 Jan 16. Please report any future break-ins to the Police on 101, as they need to see that this is a protracted problem that needs to be stopped and the ******* prosecuted.

Rob Grimmond
Rob Grimmond
Total Posts:  252
Joined  07-09-2015
25 November 2016 16:33

Bill Hewitt has sent us an email telling us he had a car window smashed at Westhay Moor car park today, somewhere between 11am and 1pm. One item wasa taken. See attached photo.

Please ensure you remove all of your valuables before leaving your car.

Image Attachments