What to do if you find a dead Otter

Rob Williams
Rob Williams
Total Posts:  3
Joined  10-01-2016
15 March 2016 08:48

Somerset Otter Group (SOG) coordinate the collection of dead otters found in the county for post-mortem analysis at Cardiff University. If anyone finds a dead otter please report it by ringing Jo Pearse on 07855 773697 or the Environment Agency on 03708 506506. If it is safe to collect the body and it can be bagged and frozen then that is better for preserving them. If you collect or move it please take notes of exactly where it was and preferably a photo. Note it is illegal to collect a dead otter without a permit, but anyone collecting one to pass on to SOG and Cardiff University is covered by the permit associated with the research.

The collection of dead otters helps monitor the population and the health of the otters. A new bile fluke to the UK was found in the gall bladder of a dead otter from Somerset a few years ago. For more information on the Somerset Otter Group please see http://www.somersetottergroup.org.uk

Live otter sightings can be reported to the Somerset Environmental Records Centre (SERC) - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Many thanks. Rob Williams