Somerset Bird Reports
The annual Somerset Birds report is provided to Somerset Ornithological Society members as part of their subscription. If you are a member and would like a copy of either the 2016, 2017 or 2023 issues of the annual report, send a cheque for £10.00 made payable to Somerset Ornithological Society to Somerset Ornithological Society, c/o 23 Lyngford Road, Taunton TA2 7EE; the charge for non-Members is £14.00 per copy.
Alternatively, you can transfer the required amount to the SOS account: Sort Code: 60-14-30, Account Number: 62564943, and notify the County Bird Recorder at that you have made the payment, and the paid for copies will be posted to your notified address.
Copies of previous Bird Reports up to 2015 may be obtained for £6.50 (please enquire about availability).
All stated costs include postage and packing.
Somerset Atlas of Breeding and Wintering Birds 2007-2012
The new Atlas was published at the end of November 2014. It is an SOS/BTO joint project that ran concurrently with the national Atlas project and is the first Atlas of bird distribution within the county. It is a superb production, with habitat photos and maps generally showing breeding and winter distributions down to the 2km square level. If you are an SOS member or bird the County regularly, this is an invaluable publication.
You may obtain the book online from the NHBS at for £24.99 plus postage.
For enquiries, contact
The Bittern Newsletter
The Society publishes a newsletter approximately every three months. Click here for the latest and previous issues.