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SOS Members’ Day 2017

Our first Member's Day will take place on Saturday 8th April, between 1.30 and 5.30 p.m. It will feature the Society's AGM and a variety of interesting talks on aspects of Somerset birds and birdwatching, and will be a good opportunity for Members to socialize. Other societies have been successfully offering something similar for a few years now, and we hope that ours will be as well received and become an annual fixture. So please come along and give us your support. Click here for the Programme. There will be a raffle (which will include books donated by NHBS) and a ringing table. A map showing the location of Cheddon Fitzpaine Village Hall can be found here.

In order to speed up proceedings at the AGM, we are publishing various AGM documents in advance. Please click on the following links for the relevant documents:

AGM 2017 Agenda

Draft Minutes of 2016 AGM

2016 Financial Statement

Membership Report

List of Officers to be elected

Become a Member of Somerset Ornithological Society.