Somerset Birds 2021
Somerset Birds 2021 will be sent out to paid up members in the next few weeks. So if you not yet paid your subscription, perhaps you should do so!
The annual subscription is £18.
Somerset Birds 2021 will be sent out to paid up members in the next few weeks. So if you not yet paid your subscription, perhaps you should do so!
The annual subscription is £18.
The Society and BTO are carrying out a joint survey of Rookeries in the county between 1st March and 30th April.
Somerset is a well-wooded county with plenty of livestock farms, suggesting that Rooks should be a relatively common farmland bird in the county. During the Somerset Atlas of breeding and wintering birds 2007 – 2012, confirmed breeding records of Rooks were received from 53% of tetrads in the County. However, since then records of rookeries reported in Somerset Birds are very few and far between. Are we failing to record most of our Rookeries, or have they simply vanished from the County? We need to check, so here is the BTO Somerset & SOS Rookery Survey!
For further details, go to
The Avalon Marshes New Colonists Monitoring Group has published its 2021 report, which covers Great Egret, Cattle Egret, Little Bittern, Purple Heron and Night Heron. The data gathered over the last few years has also contributed towards a more detailed study of the colonisation of the Great White Egret, provisionally scheduled for publication in the May issue of British Birds.
To see the report, click here.
The Society's 2021 Annual General Meeting will again be held virtually, on Saturday 27th November 2021 at 2.00 p.m.
AGM papers listed below can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link.
After the AGM, our President, Stephen Moss, will give an illustrated talk entitled "Bird Britannia - What have birds ever done for us?"
Members wishing to attend the AGM, to be held on Zoom, should send an email to by Friday 26th November.
The Bittern, our newsletter, is shortly to be re-launched in electronic format.
The forthcoming issue will have articles on such subjects as colour-ringed Great White Egrets, firsts for Somerset and where to watch birds in the Forest of Dean.
If you are a Member and wish to read it, we will need your email address. If you haven't already provided it, please send a request to be added to the circulation list to