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Somerset Birding News

The BTO are seeking volunteers for their Non-Estuarine Waterbirds Survey in Somerset. There are some vacant sectors just east of Watchet. All that is required is a single visit before the end of January, to record the birds and mammals that you see. The focus is on the intertidal zone, though you can record birds from adjacent land and sea too. Counts are best made around low tide. If you are interested, please visit or contact Eve Tigwell.

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This item is published at the request of British Birds magazine.
Many members of the Society will already be subscribers to British Birds or may have taken up trial offers. Whether or not, you may like to receive their free e-newsletter every month. This offers a flavour of what has been published recently and what is in the pipeline in areas such as book of the month, news and comment, the rarities section and special offers.
This is a new initiative from one of Britain’s leading birding publications. It covers the UK and Western Palearctic and has been the birdwatchers’ journal of record since 1907. It is read and recommended by many amateur and professional ornithologists, writers and photographers with Simon King stating that ‘British Birds is the gold standard of ornithological literature in the UK’.
To receive the newsletters, just log on to and complete the sign up form at the bottom of the page. Give it a try.

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The main path at Ham Wall will be closed again for three weeks in January.
An alternative footpath will be available. For more information, click here.

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We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website.
Its features include:

  • News from around the county and beyond;
  • Events, which can be sorted by organiser or type;
  • Information on the Society's publications (including The Bittern);
  • Ringing information (including news and recoveries);
  • A detailed section on recording birds, including, a facility for sending records direct to the Recorder and an updated county list;
  • An expanded section on County birding sites, which is still a work in progress (so keep visiting for additions);
  • A photo gallery; and
  • A Forum section that covers not only bird sightings but also ringing news and general discussion. A post in the Forum Guidelines gives information on Forum registration and use.

We will be able to update the site easily and quickly and are confident it will become an excellent source of information for birding in Somerset. The website is responsive and will adapt according to whether it is read on a PC, laptop, tablet or phone.
We welcome any contributions to the website, whether information or photos.
We must thank our web designers, Make Hay, who have produced a website which, in technology terms, moves the Society into the 21st century.

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Denise Wawman has managed to obtain approval to ring waders off Steart. To date the weather has beaten all attempts to get out there but the wind has to reduce at some point.  Managing to combine tides, weather, availability and sheer good luck is the stuff of this activity and we hope to bring better news in the not too distant future.

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