Who can join?
Anyone interested in birds, particularly the birds of Somerset! One of the great joys of birdwatching is that it can be enjoyed on so many different levels, and by people of all ages and with all levels of experience. Whatever your interest and level of experience, you will be very welcome.
What do you get as a member?
For your membership fee you get:
- Our annual bird report, Somerset Birds (only one copy for family membership), a comprehensive account of the status of the County's birds, year on year;
- Our on-line magazine, The Bittern, full of topical items on birding in Somerset;
- Free access to our indoor meetings, with a lively programme of talks by excellent speakers;
- Free access to our walks at good birding sites throughout the County, with expert leaders;
- Opportunities to get involved in national and local surveys;
- A wealth of local knowledge.
By joining you are contributing to the activities of the Society, including the funding of the website and the Bird Report.
How To Join
Joining the Somerset Ornithological Society is easy, all you need to do is download and complete the application form and return it to our Membership Secretary by email or by post to the address set out below. He will then send you details about payment of your subscription and information about the Society. If you unable to download or print the application, you can email our Membership Secretary and ask for one.
The Membership fee is £18 and can be extended to a family living at the same address for no extra cost. The fees are renewable annually on 1st January. Notwithstanding Rule 3 of the Society's Rules, students in full-time education will not have to pay a Membership fee during the period of such education.
Membership Secretary
Dick Best
Quantock View Farm
Tel: 01278 651063