A Glossy Ibis was at the reservoir this evening looking perfectly content with surroundings. Also Black Tern, 2 Little Stint still, 3 Ruff etc
Thanks, makes sense of the bar-head then - likely the same one. The cranes use the Severn as a flyway so presumably other spp do too.
One Little Stint feeding on the mud by Cheddar tower this morning between 8.20am and 8.44am.
Other birds of interest included:
9 Dunlin
3 Snipe
1 Ruff
1 Common Sandpiper
12 Gt White Egret
11 Little Egret
8 Grey Heron
There was an unringed bar-head at slimbridge during last week of September
Hello Sean,
I was once told that the RCP likes to drop onto a nearby Fishing Lake/Pond when its not on the Reservoir.
Given the low water level I’ve been popping over to visit most days recently. There was one juvenile Little Stint on the outer edge of the large exposed area early this morning seen distantly from Cheddar Tower and presumed the same present since Sep 25. A second, brighter juvenile joined it on Sep 30 - Oct 2 though I couldn’t see it this morning. A Little Grebe was out in the centre. Also since my last post, a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper on the evening of Sep 14 only with an influx of small waders - 18 Dunlin and 8 Ringed Plover with varying numbers since then. Little Ringed Plover Sep 14 - Oct 1, Turnstone on Sep 28 (per eBird, not seen by me), up to 4 Ruff, 6 Snipe, 3 Common Sandpiper, 1 Blackwit, up to 21 Pintail, Yellow Wagtail Sep 17, up to 3 Wheatear, and a Rock Pipit Oct 1 in front of Cheddar Tower. The usual drake RC Pochard seen on and off - I wonder where it goes when it’s not at the reservoir as I’ve never heard of it reported elsewhere. I haven’t seen the Black-necked Grebe since Sep 14.
4.30pm Plus one presumably feral bar-headed goose ?? With the Canadas, Cheddar end. Couldn’t find the stint though I went all the way round. Everything else there as described.
BirdGuides reported: Little Stint still present this morning at 08:23, although no sign of it from the Cheddar Tower end 10:30 to 12:00; although 14 Dunlin, 3 Ruff, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and 5 Snipe. Also the Black Swan still and distant ‘scope views of a small grebe among the Coot flock along the Axbridge bank. Didn’t have time to drive round to the Axbridge entrance for closer view. Just before we left, met 3 birders who had walked part of the perimeter from the Axbridge entrance to the Cheddar Tower and they had not seen the stint.
Late morning from the Cheddar Tower: 13 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, 2 Ruff, 3 Snipe, 12 Grt W Egrets, 3 Little Egrets, Black Swan, and a distant very probable Black-necked Grebe continually diving among the Coot flock along the Axbridge bank of the Res. 45x ‘scope views showed longish, white-fronted neck, black upperparts and steep forehead.
No sign of the Little Stint.
Two little stints, 15 dunlin, 3 snipe, 5 ringed plover and a common sandpiper this afternoon
This morning counted the little stint, 12 dunlin, 1 ruff, 1 ringed plover, 2 snipe, 1 common sand, 7 great egrets, 3 little egrets and c. 300 teal on the weed below the steps.
Little stint still this afternoon. Counted 11 dunlin, 3 ringed pkover, 1 snipe, 1 common sand and the black swan
Very low water level attracting abundant bird-life!
Little stint still. Several dunlin and snipe. Plenty of great white egrets, little egrets & grey herons. Didn’t see ringed plover today however.
Noisy Canada geese making the presence known. Plus much else. Worth a visit if you haven’t been recently.
You too Martin. Little stint still present this afternoon plus snipe, dunlin and ringed plover
Good to meet you this morning Frankie. It was my first visit for a couple of weeks and the place looked very different. For anyone who has not been to Cheddar lately, water levels are way down, and a lot of dead aquatic plant material is the attraction for waders including the Little Stint. Also present were numerous GWE, Little Egrets and Grey Herons and about 200 Teal, a few Wigeon and assorted others including all three Hirundine species and plenty of Pied Wagtails and Linnets.