Avalon Marshes migrants

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
29 March 2024 15:43

Nice walk in sunshine at RSPB Ham Wall this morning. Heard 11 singing Blackcaps, all hidden out of the wind! 4 Glossy Ibis, 5 Garganey (4 drakes), Spotted Redshank, 5 Blk-t Godwits, Grt W Egret, drake Pintail, Bittern & 3 Marsh Harriers from VP1. Grass Snake sunning among gabion wire baskets at the old railway bridge.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
27 March 2024 18:09

Lovely at vp1 yesterday am - nothing very new here except perhaps the Garganey total:
4m and 1f Garganey
4 Glossy Ibis
1 Spotshank and a few Redshank
1 Blackwit

1f Pintail from vp2.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
20 March 2024 19:39

Large flock of 180+ Cattle Egrets around cattle on the western edge of Shapwick Heath (viewed from Westhay to Shapwick road) at 12:45hrs.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
17 March 2024 20:30

Adult Whooper Swan still with herd of Mute Swans & 31 Cattle Egrets on large grass fields along Sharpham Lane (adjacent to the fishing lake) near Walton, mid-afternoon.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
08 March 2024 12:47

...also of minor interest, 2 Blackwit were on flooded fields on Tadham Moor on Weds 6th - more waders on the move…

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
06 March 2024 14:54

Ooops, forgot to add…  On the 5th a single Brambling with a few Chaffinches that flew up from the roadside as we approached driving towards the South Drain just north of the entrance track to Catcott Lows.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
05 March 2024 17:14

The winter plumage Spotted Redshank still from the car park hide at Catcott Lows this morning. Found y’day by Alan Ashman.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
03 March 2024 19:14

Today, with no wind, no rain and plenty of sunshine:
2 Whoopers still, Noah’s, and very close to the canal footpath for a change.
A Common Lizard basking at the Ham Wall railway bridge and a Blackcap close by.
A Pochard/Tufted hybrid on 2VP lagoon - we seem to have 2 now, on and off.
A female Ring-necked Duck on Glastonbury Heath found by Sean D (and no RNDs at Decoy or Westhay’s roadside pools).
Many egrets of 3 species spread from Sweets Cafe to beyond Westhay reserve car park were impressive, with 10 Egy Geese.

4 ibis reported again south of Noah’s, and a Firecrest at Ham Wall car park.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
25 February 2024 17:42

More of the same recently and more flooding.  Water everywhere - again!

At the Tealham/Westhay T junction, a mass of Cattle Egrets and BH Gulls had 3 Med Gulls with them (heads varying form nearly all black to just a big black mask).
The 4 Glossy Ibis are now commuting between Noah’s Lake and the field immediately adjacent to the south, which can be viewed from the road with care.
4 RND still on Decoy apparently, and Whoopers have been at Sharpham and Noah’s.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
23 February 2024 21:59

Two Hen Harriers, ring-tail and adult male at Catcott Lows this afternoon. Ring-tail seen twice, putting up Teal, and male seen once as it flew thro’ low to the west at 15:5 hrs.

Dave Evans
Dave Evans
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16 February 2024 13:57

Shapwick Heath this morning, 16 February. 
Decoy Pool: 1 drake + 2 female Ring-necked Duck close to hide.
Male Hen Harrier ‘harrying’ Marsh Harrier, close to junction of the track to the hide and Sweet Trail.
On Noah’s, two Whooper Swan towards western end and a female Mandarin perched on a broken stump above rafts of Pintail and Wigeon.
Bittern booming continuously.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
11 February 2024 19:12

All our regular winterers present and correct with some back in, and we seem to be on 2 male Hen Harriers.  Reported over the weekend (and I only saw some of them):

Ring-necked Duck, probably 2 drake and 3 duck shared between Noah’s and Decoy
A Mandarin at Decoy apparently (I’ve never seen one on the Levels)
3 Glossy Ibis Westhay and 1 Sharpham, the latter the bird that roosted at Noah’s tonight perhaps
c200 Cattle Egrets around Westhay with decent numbers of Greats and Littles too with masses of birds in the area (Lapwing, Mute Swans, etc)
1 Egy Goose there and 2 at Noah’s
2 Whoopers on Noah’s and 1 Sharpham
4 Scaup on Long Drove
Masses of Pintail still on Noah’s, probably as many as 1900 (a Somerset record I believe)
Seems to be 2 male and one ringtail Hen Harriers popping in and out at Catcott

Just down the road, the drake Baikal Teal still at Greylake and slightly further south, an American Wigeon (‘the’?), Little Gull and Turnstone on Wet Moor.  Nice.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
03 February 2024 16:54

A friend of mine saw an ibis at Long Drove yesterday, seems one at least is back now that it’s warmed up.

There were masses of wildfowl on Noah’s midweek and Sean D has counted 1468 Pintail today.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  675
Joined  01-12-2015
22 January 2024 12:36

The drake Ring-necked Duck still this morning with Tufted Ducks on the large pool (south of the road) along Westhay Moor Drove - just east of Westhay Moor NNR car park, before Lewis’s Drove.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
20 January 2024 16:30

Best for me today were 3 Ruff and 11 Blackwit asleep on the ice at Noah’s, surrounded by masses of wildfowl that included 2 male and 1 female RND (latter per Sean D).

Otherwise, odds and ends for the last few days inc reports of:
1 G Ibis on floods by the Railway Inn and on the canal near Noah’s, and 2 to 3 at Westhay
1 Whooper with Mutes in fields at Westhay and the regular 2 on West Waste (plus W Pipit)
2 Waxwings flew over Ham Wall
1 Scaup Long Drove
Ringtail Hen Harrier at Catcott

I’ve heard a couple of reports of a small adult Goshawk that sounded good too.  Could be last winter’s imm male all grown up…