Yesterday evening, the 9th, c150 Shoveler from vp2, Ham Wall. Quite a few others dotted around HW, nice to see good numbers.
10th April, Late afternoon at Noah’s hide. Cuckoo heard several times from the woodland area between Noah’s and Decoy Lakes. Small number of Sand Martins about but no other migrants other than Chiff Chaff and Blackcaps.
In heavy rain, 2 Wheatears just south of Jack’s Drove Bridge on Tealham Moor late morning. Never been sure of where the boundary between Tealham & Tadham Moors actually is?
At least six Wheatears seen from north of the North Drain Jacks Drove, Tadham Moor this morning, a group of four were bathing in the puddles of Tealham Moor drove.
300+ sand martins feeding over Canada Farm lake at midday; they disappeared; 20 minutes later another (different?) few hundred. Some definite migration going on with today’s strong southerly wind….
Pair of Swallows circling my garden and twittering loudly this morning so could well be “my” local breeding pair that breed in my lean to garage. Panicking to cover up the cars now.
The drake Ferruginous Duck was towards the SW corner of 30 Acre Lake at Westhay until 0923 when it flew around the lake and almost over those watching and headed off to the north. Not relocated by 1005hrs. Bittern booming, Reed Warbler singing and a pair of Pintail still in the area.
Hello Jeff, my latest post referred to London drove in Westhay Moor when I failed to see the Ferruginous Duck.
Presumably Martin, your sightings were at Westhay Moor?
The 4 Glossy Ibis still from VP1 at Ham Wall this morning but mostly out-of-sight below the near bank while I was there. Also from VP1 a few Blk-t Godwits behind the Sand Martin House and 2 distant drake Garganey far back to the right of this - may have been some sleeping females but no ‘scope! A flypast Bittern & 4 Marsh Harriers.
Seen by others this morning but hid from me for an hour or more. Some Reed Warblers joining the Willow Warblers and Blackcaps in singing strongly. A few Wigeon still present.
The drake Ferruginous Duck that was found/reported on BirdGuides 2-Apr at Westhay Moor NNR, was still present today at the back of 30-Acre Lake looking from London Drove.
Again, a large flock of c.160 Cattle Egrets around ‘Ruby-red’ cattle on the western edge of Shapwick Heath (viewed from the Westhay to Shapwick road) at 12:15 hrs.
Nice walk in sunshine at RSPB Ham Wall this morning. Heard 11 singing Blackcaps, all hidden out of the wind! 4 Glossy Ibis, 5 Garganey (4 drakes), Spotted Redshank, 5 Blk-t Godwits, Grt W Egret, drake Pintail, Bittern & 3 Marsh Harriers from VP1. Grass Snake sunning among gabion wire baskets at the old railway bridge.
Lovely at vp1 yesterday am - nothing very new here except perhaps the Garganey total:
4m and 1f Garganey
4 Glossy Ibis
1 Spotshank and a few Redshank
1 Blackwit
1f Pintail from vp2.
Large flock of 180+ Cattle Egrets around cattle on the western edge of Shapwick Heath (viewed from Westhay to Shapwick road) at 12:45hrs.