c.20 Sand Martins at Ham Wall this afternoon, over Waltons; 2 Grt W Egrets & 5 Little Egrets on Tealham Moor.
Noah’s early morning: 4 very lively Egyptian Geese - surely they’ll attempt to breed - 2 Whoopers and 1 drake Goldeneye still.
Hybrid duck still Ham Wall but it has a v dark grey back so good call Mike M, probably is Pochard x Tufted. 3 Cattle Egrets were with 2 Littles in the field next to the car park.
A smart drake Garganey appeared in front of the Greylake hides at midday shortly after a Peregrine had shaken everything up, plus 2 Redshank. Someone else there had also seen Peregrines copulating today on a pylon.
The ringtail Hen Harrier I’ve seen twice at Catcott this winter is almost certainly an adult female. Whitish ground colour to underparts, no warm tones, crisp dark secondary barring… (and well done Dave on a great RBGull find today)
Brief visits only today:
The ringtail Hen Harrier flew through Catcott reserve east to west at midday.
A Red Kite was just north of Ashcott village late afternoon. Also around 70 Cattle Egrets in fields south of Ham Wall but impossible to count them properly.
3 Sand Martins over Noahs this morning, Also the 2 Whooper Swan,1 Firecrest, 2 Bearded Reedlings, 3 Lesser Redpoll + singing Chiff chaffs and booming Bitterns.
Avocets can regularly be seen swimming on the Exe at high tide.
& Tufted x Pochard are often mistaken for RN Duck: http://birdhybrids.blogspot.com/2014/04/common-pochard-x-tufted-duck.html
See Paul Chapman’s photos from a couple of years ago at 220: https://ebird.org/region/GB-ENG-SOM
Here we go! 1 Sand Martin was on Shapwick this morning briefly.
Also an Avocet that flew round Noah’s Lake, dropped behind the reeds in the SW corner and finally ended up swimming out in the middle with the Wigeon. All very bizarre.
2 Whoopers still, a drake Goldeneye and 2 Egyptian Geese.
On Ham Wall, an aythya hybrid showing well just to the east of Tor Hide. Looked very good for a Ring-necked Duck x Tufted Duck drake just going by the Collins guide. Would be good if someone else saw it though and could give an opinion.
Still loads of wildfowl on Greylake but I couldn’t pick out a Garganey. And no Stonechats anywhere today.
Seems the GWTeal was a one day bird, and probably now residing at Chew.
Today, 70 Blackwits on Ham Wall and 3 on Greylake. Huge flocks of Lapwing and Golden Plover distantly at Greylake, maybe 1000 of each. Bumper berry crop on the Shapwick main drag and c100 Redwing taking full advantage. 4 Cattle Egrets with the cows near Ham Wall car park.
GWTeal 2VP…
Also a Water Pipit from 1VP, 2 Grey Wag, plenty of Chiff-chaffs, a few Redwing around the car park and a Redpoll; plus a few Cattle Egrets in with the close cows from the railway bridge but hard to know how many.
Yesterday, Sunday, pm. Looking for ducks…
A juv Hobby showed well on Shapwick and was a surprise. Remained resolutely falco subbuteo no matter how hard I looked at it.
Male and female Stonechat by 1VP on Ham Wall.
Still a few hirundines moving through.
Otherwise, Wigeon and Teal numbers building on both sides but not high as yet. 2VP still looking very promising despite there being water everywhere (the Glastonbury Rd was slightly flooded already).
Black winged stilt and 2 ruff this am along with 7+ Green sand at the eastern end. Spoonbills cleared out overnight, but Dave Dawe found an ad + 1w Sandwich tern which hung around VP2 for about 40 mins.
2VP scrape currently looking just about perfect. 2 Ruff this pm, 7 Green Sand, c20 Snipe on show, and Teal & Lapwing numbers building nicely. A Grey Wag from Avalon Hide was unusual (found by Dean). They’re still digging down at the Sharpham end.
Also, 2 big white things with spoony beaks and something with long pink legs…! Only saw one Water Rail this evening…
A weird warm wind from the south, September sunshine, all excellent stuff.
Translation: 2 Spoonbills and a Black-winged Stilt.
Juv Ruff and Black tailed godwit present at the east end of HW this morning, whilst residents included a family party of 15-20 Bearded tit, and some showy Water rail.
2VP pool and fringes on Ham Wall again looking fab. Best I could do though were 1CSand, 5 GSand, and a few each of Snipe and Lapwing. Teal numbers still low. No Blackwit, Wood Sand or Garganey.
(A really lovely evening in fact: also a couple of Water Rails, Bittern, Beardies, 2 perched up Sparrowhawks, Kingfisher, 2 Egret sps, and Marsh Hs)
2 Garganey and Wood sand still present yesterday afternoon.
6 wigeon on Meare Heath today, only 3 Lapwing at Ham Wall VP2, although Wood & Green Sand were apparently reported there again on 27th.