Avalon Marshes migrants

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
12 December 2021 16:09

Huge numbers of Lapwing at Greylake this morning, I’m guessing but somewhere between 4000 and 8000 I’d say. Also 100 Golden Plover.

The Glossy Ibis still between Westhay and Burtle with 70 Cattle Egret.

A pair each of Goldeneye and Goosander on Westhay.

1 Blackwit at Catcott amongst the duck.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
07 November 2021 18:11

The pair of Ring-necked Ducks found yesterday were still there today, staying faithful to the Tor View hide area (west side). Would spend long periods out of view but could then be found by walking round and using the various viewing points.  Nice to see a female for a change.  The drake has not quite moulted through so has slightly mottled flanks and a bit of a scruffy head.

One or two Water Pipits were on the big area of cut reeds just to the east.  As reported by Martin, and just to be complete, Firecrest near VP1 but not for me.

The flooded fields north of Glastonbury ‘only’ held winter thrushes today, maybe 100 Redwing and 30 Fieldfare.  And the wet fields at Westhay still have a big flock of Lapwing.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
30 October 2021 15:33

2 Green Sand and 6 Lapwing were on the flooded roadside fields just north of Glastonbury this morning. Much higher numbers of Lapwing in fields at Westhay…

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
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Joined  07-12-2015
11 October 2021 15:29

WeBS on Saturday at Canada farm and today at Shapwick Heath. The newly built Canada Farm hide is now open. One Bittern there and 2 at Noah’s lake today. 7 Bearded tits near Meare Heath bridge, 4 Marsh Harriers seen, 352 Wigeon, 141 Mute Swans, almost all on Noahs, 103 Gadwall, 55 Shoveler (Decoy lake) 12 Great Crested Grebes including a noisy juvenile at Decoy, 2 Little Grebes, 6 Great White Egret and 8 Snipe were all notable counts.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
10 October 2021 18:03

A Garganey on Ham Wall 2VP was nice this am, plus c100 Teal.
Good numbers of Wigeon on Shapwick.
M&F Stonechat at Catcott.
Tealham flood has lots of water, just no birds.

Also 2 Eg Geese on Noah’s and a cracking dog Otter on the path and in the canal.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
08 August 2021 20:33

Fairly quick visit to Ham Wall today, 1 Blackwit, 1 Wigeon, and a handful each of Lapwing and Shoveler

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
30 June 2021 21:06

This evening:  2 Green Sand, 1 Egy Goose, 1 Hobby, plus Mink, Hornet and Scarlet Tiger

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
20 June 2021 15:35

A Green Sand today on Catcott in superb habitat.

Also 1 at Steart in filthy weather, plus a Cuckoo there;  and Paul G reports a G Sand today on Weston Airfield.
Seems Friday was the River Warbler’s last day, or last day singing at least.
2 singing Quail reported on Shapwick, Monday, I notice.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
12 June 2021 13:02

Weds 9th June, an Osprey over Ham Wall early evening, harassed by LBBGulls, perched up in cormorant trees to the south, and eventually flying right over the amazing River Warbler. This upgrades my previous best ‘Osprey over a rarity’, which involved a Rustic Bunting on the Norfolk coast a while back. Talking of Rustic Buntings…

Also a distant kite over Noah’s that I’m assuming was Red.

Andy Cooper
Andy Cooper
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Joined  08-06-2019
17 May 2021 22:57

Still large numbers of swifts, plus 20 to 30 hobbies this afternoon at Shapwick Heath.

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
Total Posts:  480
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13 May 2021 11:06

Large influx of Swifts and Hirundines in Ham Wall this morning despite steady rain. Also 2 Hobby in flight at around 9.40. This was easily the largest group of Swifts I have seen this year and some were flying very low.

Oli Gilman
Oli Gilman
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09 May 2021 23:00

I had a wonderful few hours out this morning; a pair of Cranes overhead at Ham Wall was a magnificent sight, along with Marsh Harrier and occasional Hobby.

Over at Shapwick, I was treated to a display of 12 Hobby overhead and an Egyptian Goose on Noah’s.

Frequent Bittern flights seen at both sites - what a time to be out and about on the marshes!

Nick Wilcox-Brown
Nick Wilcox-Brown
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Joined  28-07-2016
09 May 2021 21:08

Plenty of the usual characters at Ham Wall today, with the benefit of a flock of 8 Whimbrel wheeling around, numerous Hobbies and good views of the Marsh Harrier pair from VP2. Wonderful to see so many ‘screaming’ Swifts, Swallows and a few Sand Martins too

On the warbler front,  juvenile Blackcaps being fed by an adult was a highlight, a Garden Warbler, many Whitethroat and plenty of Reed Warblers visible and heard. Cetti’s were making their presence felt in many places and one was seen with a beakful of insects across the South Drain from VP2.

Oli Gilman
Oli Gilman
Total Posts:  56
Joined  24-11-2017
07 May 2021 19:41

Single drake Garganey visible(ish) from VP1 at Ham Wall along with Hobby, Bittern, Marsh Harrier etc.

Maybe a Water Pipit at Tealham? Though I’m not very confident on the ID.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
07 May 2021 08:10

Yesterday, 6 May:
1 Egy Goose on Noah’s tin hut
33 Whimbrel in fields at Westhay and 3 in flight at Tealham
56 C Egret east of Tealham
Single Yellow Wags at Tealham and Catcott
No Ruff at Catcott but a Wood Sand morning and evening