Avalon Marshes migrants

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
20 November 2024 18:23

Ring-necked Duck again in the NW corner of Noah’s this morning and the 2 Whoopers skulking nearer the hide in the reeds.  Also 3 Redpoll over, which I think have been a bit scarce lately.
Glossy Ibis still at vp1, Ham Wall and the Yellow-browed was seen again.

Down the road at Greylake, 2 Merlins were close to the hides first thing, a juv and a juv/female.

Alison Everett
Alison Everett
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18 November 2024 14:04

The Green-winged Teal showed briefly to the east of the hide around mid-day before moving into more distant rushes and out of view. An Otter was also present but didn’t disturb the ducks.
Please note the main hide will be closed for a few days from tomorrow for tree works to be carried out.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
17 November 2024 21:52

Today’s GWT appeared to be a standard adult drake with fully developed white ‘braces’, no horizontal white lines, and subdued cream/yellow head stripes.  I’ve tweeted a photo taken by Charlie W.  My very rough guess at the teal numbers is 200 and they were spending most of their time both distant from the hide and out of view in the rushes…  Also, the big Lapwing flock from Westhay seems to have moved to Catcott.

Paul M saw 5+ Firecrest and a female Goldeneye at/near to Decoy today;  and others reported a Yellow-browed, a RND and a G Ibis still on Ham Wall.

Nice selection, all in all.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
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17 November 2024 19:47

Drake Green-winged Teal at Catcott Lows this afternoon, it was found early afternoon by Andy Mears and still present at dusk (16:30) when we left the hide. Always very distant (def a ‘scope job) with a flock of c.200 Teal looking in the direction of the Mendip Mast.

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
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16 November 2024 19:12

Redwings are everywhere in the last 5 days. Some in Westhay village, Westhay Heath this morning, Canada Farm yesterday.  Still very few Fieldfare. Another Firecrest yesterday in willows across the drove from Canada Farm house. My third in 2 weeks. Many Siskin but no Redpoll seen there.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
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16 November 2024 12:16

Thanks for Andy’s posting: Good views of the very large flock of Redwings, I counted at least 500 (in blocks of 20) late afternoon, on the water-logged field opposite Westhay Moor car park before they were all flushed up into nearby trees by an over flying Marsh Harrier. Only noted 3 Fieldfares among them.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
14 November 2024 19:16

The egret spectacle at Westhay NNR has been replaced by a thrush bonanza.  Hundreds, perhaps thousands, in the damp fields near the car park…  Mainly Redwing.

Also a big flock of Lapwing, and the Glossy Ibis showing very well by the road this afternoon.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  674
Joined  01-12-2015
11 November 2024 16:59

Ham Wall, late morning: drake Ring-necked Duck still on Godwin’s Lake, distantly (‘scope views) from the old railway bridge, with a drake Tuftie among many Wigeon. Pair of Egyptian Geese displaying on top of the Sand Martin cote, from VP1. Notice board had YBW near the bridge at start of track to the Avalon Hide.

Alison Everett
Alison Everett
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Joined  01-12-2015
11 November 2024 14:52

Firecrest this morning by the horseshoe bench at the start of the Sweet Track, Shapwick NR . With a mixed flock which also included a Goldcrest and two Chiffchaffs,

Simon Breeze
Simon Breeze
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10 November 2024 13:43

Yellow-browed warbler at Honeygar Farm this morning,  picked up during wintering bird survey. Otherwise a few chiffs, redwing, teal and good numbers of passing meadow pipit and skylark.

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
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05 November 2024 11:00

Further to my earlier brief report, the Grebe dived/swam towards Stert Island where I lost it in poor visibility. My 200th UK bird species this year so a satisfying find. Also at high/falling tide, 1 Peregrine, 3 Ravens, 3 Rock Pipits, 4 Turnstones, several Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and Linnet. Shelducks, Avocets and Oystercatchers all on the Steart side.

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
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05 November 2024 08:55

Slavonian Grebe seen from the sewage outfall at Huntspill swimming towards Burnham at 08:40.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
01 November 2024 18:15

RND again on Decoy today and he’s rapidly moulting into full plumage. It was the only duck on the lake when an Otter flushed all the Wigeon and Shoveler (no Tufteds there today).

Martin S found a Glossy Ibis at Westhay around lunchtime today. I left it showing well with egrets in the flooded fields near the car park. Could be the recent Chew bird I guess.

One Redwing over and no Hawfinches - not quite what I was hoping for…

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
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Joined  07-12-2015
31 October 2024 20:01

No sign of RN Duck at Decoy late morning after the fog cleared but a Firecrest was showing well along the path from the Shapwick entrance past the Sweet track path through the woods there. Also 2 Goldcrests, a singing Chiff Chaff and 3 Bearded Tits noted.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
29 October 2024 18:07

Didn’t seem to make it onto BGs - the Ring-necked Duck was back at Decoy yesterday afternoon and showing well.  Also a vaguely American-like drake Wigeon.  Not quite right though so maybe a hybrid.  Having said that, if it hangs around and moults into a pretty average AW, I won’t be that surprised.