Avalon Marshes migrants

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  674
Joined  01-12-2015
16 December 2024 17:04

Very quet in a slow drive around Wethay Heath and Blakeway Moor: no Cattle Egrets, just the odd Little Egret and a single GW Egret, best was a Peregrine ( male on size) that spooked the Lapwing flock and then landed on top of one of the electricity pylons.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  674
Joined  01-12-2015
15 December 2024 16:54

15-Dec-2024 - at dusk.
Sharpham Lane fields, north of Walton, just south of RSPB Ham Wall: Large flock of feeding Greylags and a few Canada Geese, still with 5 Barnacle Geese and 3 Russian (albifrons) Greater White-fronted Geese.

Rowan Peters
Rowan Peters
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15 December 2024 15:34

The Baikal Teal was seen again at Greylake after long wait of it being hidden. A possible green winged teal also was reported there.
No sign of the Green winged teal at Cattcott.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
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Joined  06-12-2015
14 December 2024 17:50

Scaup still from Lewis’s Drove today, an imm male.  Just 3 Dunlin with the Lapwing at Westhay.  Still loads of birds in the area - egrets, Redwings, Chiffchaffs, pipits, more Teal than usual.

Green-winged Teal again/still at Catcott this afternoon.

Good variety around again with others seeing Firecrests, Sibechaff and RND around Decoy;  2 Whoopers and a Goldeneye at Noah’s;  and 3 Whitefronts and 5 Barnacles at Sharpham.

Alison Everett
Alison Everett
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11 December 2024 18:01

Highlights from Noahs hide and nearby today included a Firecrest close to the hide, two Kingfishers , a Chiff Chaff , several Marsh Harrier upsetting the duck flock and a flyby Sparrowhawk. Walking back to the carpark we had three flyover Cranes.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
10 December 2024 19:26

Odds and ends from this morning:
An imm Scaup was on one of the fishing lakes along Lewis’s Drove today - nice record for there.
6 Dunlin were with the Lapwing in wet fields close by.
The adult female Merlin perched up nicely 50m in front of the Greylake hides first thing.

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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08 December 2024 17:02

Warning tape across catcott lows track this evening as apparently a tree has come down before you get to hide, but most of the massive trees across road east of westhay entrance seem to have been cut out now - 2 to 300 lapwing and c.100 redwing on the fields opposite.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
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04 December 2024 19:28

2 Goldeneye were on Noah’s this morning;  and at Westhay, big Redwing flocks were back using the damp roadside fields, and the Lapwing flock had 40 Golden Plover and 3 Dunlin mixed in.

Geoff Dicker
Geoff Dicker
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04 December 2024 14:25

At least one possibly two Yellow-browed Warblers at the eastern end of Ham Wall yesterday.  They took a bit of finding amongst the number of Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests & tit sp. present. Some finch flocks - mainly Chaffinch & Goldfinch = beginning to build up along the tracks at both Ham Wall & Shampwick Moor, so worth keeping an eye out for Brambling etc.

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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02 December 2024 18:07

There were merlins at greylake and catcott today (also a red kite at former), plus at least 7 golden plover with the lapwings on flooded field almost opposite entrance to westhay

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
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01 December 2024 18:00

1 imm male Scaup was at Long Drove this morning, and a Green Sand flew over Greylake

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
30 November 2024 16:58

An eclipse-type drake Garganey was at Catcott this pm - the recent Greylake bird perhaps - but I couldn’t see the GW Teal.  The Garganey is striking with a very pale face and plenty of white in the super.

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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30 November 2024 08:53

A male marsh harrier briefly put up the glossy ibis and c.150 cattle egrets along the burtle/ westhay road

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  674
Joined  01-12-2015
26 November 2024 20:11

3rd time lucky this morning & with the help of Tom Raven’s hearing I saw 2 Yellow-browed Warblers along main track at eastern edge of Ham Wall c.100m east of windpump on Street Heath

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  674
Joined  01-12-2015
25 November 2024 19:14

Glossy Ibis update: Looking closely at my recent videos: (A) from a waterlogged Westhay Heath on 06-Nov and (B) from Ham Wall on 17-Nov there are 2 birds involved. (A) shows obvious rufous lesser wing-coverts, while (B) has all similar coloured lesser, median and greater wing-coverts. My video still-frame pics on X (Twitter).