Avalon Marshes migrants

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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12 January 2024 18:43

Previous 2 days the glossies have been further up Lewis’s Drove

Mat Ridley
Mat Ridley
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12 January 2024 17:52

Also drove past looking for the ibis this morning: no luck, but the pool on the south side of the road between Lewis’s Drove and the Westhay NNR car park held a goldeneye and a scaup, both female, as well as the usual tufted. Several 100 golden plover and lapwing on adjacent fields.

Julian Green
Julian Green
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12 January 2024 16:32

4 Egyptian geese at Ham Wall.

Redpoll amongst the siskins at Shapwick.

No sign of the glossy ibis at Westhay (11am), but 21 cattle egret in the flood south of the car park, and 2 more nearby. It looks as if they are installing a parking meter at the car park. Maybe in return for the income they could do something about the approach road!

Jon Mattick
Jon Mattick
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08 January 2024 16:41

Great find Andy - in addition to your observations, when I saw it it was associating with Widgeon, not Teal, it is noticeably larger than a Teal, approaching Widgeon size so anyone looking for it should also scan through the Widgeon and not give up if the main Teal flock are not easily visible at the back.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
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07 January 2024 18:03

As far as I know, the big groups of Teal all stayed well away from the hide and out of view at Catcott all day today but they were present. The BT may well still be there I’d suggest…

If anyone wants to get the impression of the white face spot at distance, check out Andy Slade’s flight shot on twitter (and enjoy a quick game of Where’s Wally too).

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
06 January 2024 18:10

A few notes on today’s female Baikal Teal at Catcott. Can no-one spot a ring on it please - thank you!

First seen at 12.20 with bins when a small white spot at the bill base was glaringly obvious even at 100m. Couldn’t possibly be a genuine plumage feature I thought, but it was.

Very smart dark scaps with neat, broad buff edges, somewhat reminiscent of drake plumage. Also large rounded upper flank feathers. Face pattern dead ringer for Colling Guide illustration. I think all these are very good features for adult female.

Showed well all afternoon on and off as far as I know.

What may well prove to be Britain’s first accepted female was in Notts/Yorks for a week in Jan23.  I wonder if it might even be this bird.

Also the RND pair 200m east of the Ham Wall railway bridge and the other drake was seen at Decoy.  9 or 10 Scaup seen on Long Drove too, and the female Goldeneye at Westhay.  The 3 Ibis were still at the south end of Lewis’s Drove but now wading in floods and it’s all looking a bit special round there with large numbers of egrets, Lapwing and BHGs in the sun today.

Tim Hutton
Tim Hutton
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01 January 2024 22:13

Yes. It looked very like the pictures in that link

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
Total Posts:  656
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01 January 2024 21:45
Tim Hutton
Tim Hutton
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01 January 2024 18:32

7 scaup relatively close mid afternoon at Sharpham Lane.  The 6 barnacles still present. At Westhay a flock of well over 100 cattle egrets southwest of the carpark and 2 Egyptian geese, one with a very pale head.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
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01 January 2024 17:10

At Long Drove lake (from Sharpham Lane) this morning: the small flock of Greater Scaup still present although distant at the far end. Also 6 Barnacle Geese nearby with a flock of Greylags on the large grass field alongside the Lane.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
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26 December 2023 18:59

A drake RND was back on Decoy today, the original from this autumn I presume relocated from Noah’s.  5 Crane at Greylake with super numbers of wildfowl there.  I see that 6 Scaup were still on Long Drove and heard that a couple of ibis were still near Westhay.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
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25 December 2023 16:50

The pale ibis and one of the dark birds with the big egret flock today just west of Sweets Café. Wonder where No3 is.

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
22 December 2023 20:27

3 ibis in Westhay car park field this pm with loads of egrets. 2 ibis are quite dark, 1 one distinctly paler.

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
Total Posts:  656
Joined  18-12-2017
15 December 2023 20:46

Glossies previously preferred field does seem to have dried out somewhat, as has the pool on road (a bit). Apparently they were on floods other side of reserve, but ring-necked duck is still on favoured pool with Tufties. Plenty of all 3 egrets, plus Grey herons opposite reserve entrance, plus 500 lapwing in field beyond (put up by a Marsh Harrier fly by)

Andy Mears
Andy Mears
Total Posts:  318
Joined  06-12-2015
13 December 2023 18:09

The drake RND and the 2 Glossy Ibis were all not far east of Westhay NNR car park this morning (1/2 km and 1km respectively) and giving great views from the road.  Still loads of Chaffinch hanging round the stubble fields on the south edge of the reserve but I couldn’t find a Brambling.  A few Reed Buntings were mixed in.

Big Golden Plover and Lapwing flock visible from the hides at Greylake with c30 Dunlin.  Nice to be able to see them on the ground.  Pretty good duck numbers too.

The only surprise for me this am was an ad Med Gull with a huge flock of BHGs in flooded roadside fields just north of Glastonbury.  A few of various other gull sps mixed in.  It’s fantastic having so many gulls around.

Masses of Pintail on Noah’s today I’m told, maybe up to 500, and 6 Scaup on Long Drove.  There are also masses of wildfowl on a severely flooded West Waste (just NE of Meare) but checking them out would really take time!  Lots of Wigeon flying round on the south edge of HW too.  So many wildfowl in the area at the mo…

Reports yesterday of a drake RND on VP1 lagoon – interesting.