Catcott Lows

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  670
Joined  01-12-2015
19 May 2019 15:00

Seemed to be fewer Blk-t Godwits, c.35; 2 Greenshanks, but no sign of any other waders; 5 Cattle Egrets, 3 Little Egrets, a few broods of Greylag Geese in varying sizes, male Marsh Harrier flew thro’ and 3 Hobbies were over distant Canada Farm Lake.

Neil Champken
Neil Champken
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Joined  16-12-2015
17 May 2019 17:10

Black-tailed Godwits?
Reply: Yes.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  670
Joined  01-12-2015
15 May 2019 17:05

Mostly the same birds this afternoon: c.70 Blk-t Godwits, 1 Greenshank, 1 Whimbrel, 1 Ruff (a reeve), drake Garganey, 3 Little Egrets, fem Marsh Harrier flew thro’ sending all the godwits into the air; a distant Hobby and a calling Cuckoo.

Frankie Macrow
Frankie Macrow
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Joined  11-10-2016
15 May 2019 14:54

Thanks but checked photos and sadly this one wasn’t so interesting, just a washed out looking wigeon.

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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15 May 2019 14:05

Chiloe wigeon does occasionally show up:


Frankie Macrow
Frankie Macrow
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13 May 2019 10:47

10-11 am this morning: 2 whimbrel, 1 ruff and 1 greenshank with the blackwits and cuckoo calling. The male wigeon looks a bit odd so we wondered if it was a cross of some sort. Scrape looks beautiful in the sunshine. Also yellow wag at Tealham. Also lesser whitethroat and bittern booming.

Alan Ashman
Alan Ashman
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Joined  01-12-2015
10 May 2019 17:31

Friday 10th. May early afternoon,  A dozen Whimbrel and 60 Black Wits. one Dunlin and the Greenshank were present but the Whimbrel flew off S. West around 1455hrs.

Robin Morrison
Robin Morrison
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Joined  30-11-2015
09 May 2019 20:43

Hi Everyone.

Catcott was looking stunning this afternoon (9th May) and the range of birds on display was impressive

Highlight was the Leucistic House Martin see here

but the others on show included
Waders - 30 ish Black Tailed Godwit, 3 Dunlin, Greenshank and 12 Whimbrel
Ducks -  Shovellers, Wigeon, Teal, Gadwall and Mallard (Tufted, I think)
Raptors - Marsh Harrier, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk

Canada Geese pair and Goslings
Greylag Geese pairs and many Goslings often being paraded in front of the hide
Mallard and duckings
2 Coots sitting on nests
Mute Swans.

Vast number of House Martins and a few Swifts.

Alison Everett
Alison Everett
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09 May 2019 20:02

There were at least 30 Black-tailed Godwit a little later, about 7pm,  also 6 summer plumaged Dunlin & Greenshank still present. Plenty of House Martins but didn’t see the leucistic bird.

Alan Ashman
Alan Ashman
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09 May 2019 19:20

Leucistic House Martin was the highlight of the day plus my first Yellow Wag. of this year. Greenshank still present and 24 BLK Wits apparently there were around 40 earlier. Still 4 Wigeon and half a dozen Shovellers but Gadwall are by far the most numerous duck!

Alan Ashman
Alan Ashman
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08 May 2019 16:28

One Redshank plus one Greenshank this morning at 1100 hrs . Then after a second downpour around 1120 Two Black Terns dropped in and stayed for 35 minutes at times flying between the islands and the front of the hide. Closest I’ve ever been to them!  Both the Greenshank and the Redshank disappeared after the rain.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Total Posts:  670
Joined  01-12-2015
07 May 2019 16:13

The Greenshank was still present this afternoon.

Stephen Curtis
Stephen Curtis
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Joined  06-01-2019
06 May 2019 20:56

Green shank (1) Black Tailed Godwit (34) some in breeding plumage , 3 Male wigeon , 4 Male shoveler , 1 Male tufty , several broods of greylag Geese, 4 Little Egrets , Whitethroat + Teal, Gadwall Mallard +3 Roe Deer and heard Whimbrel. Stephen Curtis and Carol Rushton.