Catcott Lows

Alan Ashman
Alan Ashman
Total Posts:  388
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21 August 2019 07:33

Four distant and fleetingly glimpsed Yellow Wagtails , a single Black Tailed Godwit and a Wheatear were present between 1400 and 1500 Tuesday as were the ‘resident’ 18 or so Cattle Egrets with 3 Little and one Great White Egret.

Alison Everett
Alison Everett
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30 July 2019 17:27

A Greenshank dropped in for a while late morning , otherwise much the same birds as before..

Daniel Watson
Daniel Watson
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27 July 2019 13:14

A total of 13 adult and 4 juvenile Cattle egrets on the scrape this morning, otherwise rather quiet; 3 Lapwing and a single Snipe.

Richard Pratt
Richard Pratt
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06 July 2019 09:04

Hi Alan - after you left on Wednesday, we eventually saw 10 CEs all in the air at once, put up by a marsh harrier.  Dick

Martin Sage
Martin Sage
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05 July 2019 08:36

A Barn Owl has been visible at the back of the Lows on the last 2 evenings I spent there, most recently Wednesday 3rd.

Alan Ashman
Alan Ashman
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04 July 2019 19:16

Lunchtime today and for the first time for several weeks a Kingfisher flew across in front of the car park hide. There are at least 8 Cattle Egret still regularly on the Lows mostly distant but the cattle they accompany do venture up to the pools to drink offering close views, although this could mean waiting for several hours! Today there was also an adult Little Grebe in front of the hide.  Up to 100 Lapwing have also been present this week but difficult to see in the tall veg!

Richard Pratt
Richard Pratt
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19 June 2019 22:44

The 3 Egyptian geese dropped in at 11am this morning. Moved of South and West at 1125, but returned 5 minutes later before finally heading off North-west just before noon.

Alan Ashman
Alan Ashman
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Joined  01-12-2015
18 June 2019 19:46

Information from Mark Blake Somerset Wildlife Trust
“Please note that from 25-28th June, there will be limited access to Catcott Lows Hide as we will be fixing potholes in the drove leading to hide & replacing the access ramp to the hide. This may cause some noise so we apologise for any inconvenience. Thank you. “
I understand that we can access the hide on foot during the working period but this will mean parking vehicles at the entrance to Higher Ropes Drove.

Daniel Watson
Daniel Watson
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16 June 2019 09:37

James Packer and I had an adult Purple heron fly NNE across the marsh late last night in the direction of Burtle/Westhay. Worth keeping an eye open in the general vicinity.

Bryn Evans
Bryn Evans
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15 June 2019 18:20

During a period of sunshine this morning, about 10.30am, there were substantial numbers of Swifts hawking insects only a few meters above the ground; however hirundines were few in numbers with only 5 House Martins seen.
3 little Egrets and 5 Cattle Egrets foraging, often disappearing amongst the Rushes.
A passing female Marsh Harrier carrying prey flew from behind the west hide (from the southwest) going east northeast and out of sight.
At the margins of the car park Blackcap, Whitethroat and Dunnock were present.

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
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02 June 2019 16:49

Around 08:00 Again the Barn owl put on a good display flying around in the light rain.

There were also 4 cranes which were there when I arrived but could not see them (too far back) only when they took off around 10:00 ish.

Paul Cousins
Paul Cousins
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01 June 2019 18:18

07:00 - 08:00 this morning in the car park hide a Barn owl hunting in the fog. Managed to catch a vole and then flew off to the trees at the far left. (Managed a few shots but dark and foggy see links)

I also counted 6 Black Tailed Godwits (in front of the hide), 1 GW Egret, 7 Cattle Egret, 3 Little Egret. A whitethroat in front of the hide and car park, 1 white wagtail. No Garganey to be seen but did see it yesterday evening in the distance.

Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
Jeff Hazell (Levels-birder)
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31 May 2019 19:13

At least 8 Cattle Egrets this afternoon between 14:30 & 17:00; also 3 Little Egrets, 2 drake Garganey, 68 Black-Tailed Godwits, a Common Crane that flew southwards over distant Canada Farm Lake, and at least 3 Marsh Harriers.

Stephen Curtis
Stephen Curtis
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28 May 2019 22:42

Between 6.10pm and 8.30pm - Prob Red Kite In distance .4 Marsh Harriers. 2 Black Winged Stilts. 3 G W Egrets, 2 Little Egrets approx 15 Cattle Egrets Redshank heard , 100 to 150 Swifts .Whitethroat and Drake Garganey.

Bryn Evans
Bryn Evans
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Joined  04-09-2018
25 May 2019 17:53

Highlights today 7.00am from the west hide:
Little Egret 1
Cattle Egret 4 (3 in breeding plumage)
Great White Egret 1
Black Tailed Godwit 5
Dunlin 1
Marsh Harrier 1 male
Lapwing 2 aerial displays