04.01.20 15.35.Ringtail at far end of reserve. Hunted for several minutes (in fast fading light).
27 Dec ( Fri.) a ring tailed Hen Harrier was once again present for 10 minutes around 1130 at the far end of the Lows in heavy mist.
This Sunday morning a juv. Peregrine had a couple of attempts at Teal which achieved nothing, leaving in a southerly direction. During the morning there were several flocks of Golden Plover very high up, some in Vee formation totalling 200 to 300 all heading South over the Poldens. There were at least 3 Marsh Harriers and a couple of Buzzards present all of which spent a lot of time on the ground not apparently feeding maybe just resting as there was very little wind early on.
A homeward trip through Tealham just produced a few scattered Black Headed Gulls and a lot of water!
My previous post should have read MALE HEN HARRIER NOT MERLIN first sighting of a male this year ( Senior moment!).
A male Merlin put in a brief appearance at the far end of the Lows Monday morning before being set on by the resident Crows and driven off towards the Poldens.
En route to Catcott there were 100+ Egrets in the usual fields with the Swans on the North side of the road between Westhay and Burtle just East of Godwins Peat works . Judging from my photos around 90 of these were Cattle Egrets with the remainder being Little Egrets.
(11- 1400 Wed. A quiet 3hrs:) Highlight was a fem/juv. Merlin that arrived from the Canada Farm lake direction showing it’s speeding abilities before settling in the top of a high tree along the North edge of the reserve for 15 mins before heading off north, towards Tealham perhaps. At one time there were five Marsh Harriers in the air together at the far S. East end of the Lows ( 3M, 1 F, 1 juv. ) in one of the sunny periods. Duck numbers are not increasing and I only saw3 Pintail this afternoon.
A Ring taied Hen Harrier appeared late afternoon , a Peregrine sat on the stockade at the far end for an hour and four different Marsh Harriers appeared briefly during 5 hrs. Still around 10 Pintalil, several hundred Wigeon with 50 Teal and around the same number of Shovellers. Yesterday late afternoon 9 Black Tailed G’Wits arrived but were not there today!
Quiet Sunday mid morning, Two flocks of Golden Plover passed over in 2 hours, about 60 birds in each judging by photo count, unfortunately neither landed! Just a single juv Marsh Harrier ( at least up until 1230 when I left)!
Sunday Midday, a couple of Water Pipits near the hide today as were seven Pintail. There were around 50 Cattle Egrets just north of North Chine Drove earlier, between London and Oaks Droves
Ringtail reappeared at 1605 today, just as we were about to leave. Zoomed low over the reserve and stayed hunting fast for a couple minutes before disappearing behind the tree line to the north.
Late p.m. visit; 3 Pintail drakes among the several hundred Wigeon, Teal and Shoveller. A couple of Marsh Harriers ( male and juv.) two Peregrines gave a power flying display chasing each other around and then too late in the day at 4p.m. when the light was failing the ring tailed Hen Harrier appeared and stayed on the reserve for 10 minutes hunting.
5-Nov-2019 (late afternoon)
Joined Alan Ashman in the hide and saw a ringtail Hen Harrier that flew distantly, low to the north across the far end of the reserve at 15:23 hrs. Also, a Peregrine, 2 Marsh Harriers, 3 Grt W Egrets, a fem Pintail, c.60 Greylags and a flock of 100+ Fieldfares.
A ring tailed Hen Harrier made a very brief appearance around 1230 Monday morning (4th), flying straight through leaving in a S.Westerly direction. Just a couple of hundred duck, mostly Wigeon with 30+ Teal and a couple of Shoveller and just single Pintail( Im/Female). Several Marsh Harriers were also present as was a Kestrel.
Fri. p.m. A male Merlin was sat on the stockade rails at the far end of the reserve and only moved from one rail to the other in about 2 hrs. Still there when I left around 1530.
A Red Kite flew low across the S.West corner of the reserve around 1230 today before being mobbed and driven off South by the huge number of Crows that seem to have taken up residence here. Apart from both male and female Peregrines sitting together on the stockade at the far end of the reserve plus a Buzzard and two Marsh Harriers nothing else seen of note in the cold 90 minutes spent there! The Cattle Egrets were present in good numbers with cattle where North Chine Drove meets the Westhay to Cheddar road as I passed by on my way back to Wells.
I called in to Catcott briefly this morning and at first thought that there were no ducks there apart from a pair of Mallard but an unknown predator must have passed over as a flock of Teal, Wigeon and Shoveler came up from about 400 metres back from the hide. Probably about 60 Ducks in total.