Cheddar Reservoir - from 1st May 2018

Frankie Macrow
Frankie Macrow
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Joined  11-10-2016
16 October 2018 20:58

Two great egrets and a green sandpiper late afternoon

Daniel Watson
Daniel Watson
Total Posts:  131
Joined  18-02-2018
13 October 2018 17:38

No sign of Rock pipit this morning, but plenty of shoreline for it to lurk inconspicuously. Common sand new in this morning, and I located a f scaup in with the coot this pm. GWe still performing well for most of the day.

Daniel Watson
Daniel Watson
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11 October 2018 09:23

A brief look along the southern and western banks this am; Rock pipit, Wheatear, several groups of finches all SE (including about 15 siskin) a few Redwing SW also. Didn’t have time to check the wildfowl and shoreline, but 3 Pintail have been present for last 5 days.

neville hiscox
neville hiscox
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05 October 2018 19:06

3 little egret and at one time 5 GW egret, down to 2 when i left in fading light and a Heron

neville hiscox
neville hiscox
Total Posts:  224
Joined  03-01-2016
03 October 2018 21:05

Barn owl near the Clay pits around 6:45 this morning

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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Joined  18-12-2017
03 October 2018 18:58

2 gw egret, 1 pintail, the male mandarin (I wonder what happened to the female that was here in the spring?) amongst the other ducks at 4.30pm.


neville hiscox
neville hiscox
Total Posts:  224
Joined  03-01-2016
30 September 2018 19:25

just a heads up regards parking at the Sharpham road entrance car park… this is closed from Monday1st October until the 14th [no access to the cemetery on the 9th!!!]  for resurfacing, you can park at the Sports area car park and walk down or use the Axbridge /Boat club entrance

Kim Howard
Kim Howard
Total Posts:  48
Joined  06-10-2016
30 September 2018 11:47

Water level continues to fall and variety of dabbling ducks rises: 8 shovelers, 10 gadwalls and 28 wigeons at dawn today.  Also 10 tufted ducks and 1 great white egret.  No terns or waders.

Daniel Watson
Daniel Watson
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Joined  18-02-2018
28 September 2018 09:28

Picked up a Spotshank on call this am about 7:30 which departed NE, after doing full loop of res it’s dropped in with 11 Blk wit and 2 Knot (both Grey phal are also still present, but Blk tern and L gull departed). If you’re visiting please keep to the embankment so everyone can enjoy. Cheers

Daniel Watson
Daniel Watson
Total Posts:  131
Joined  18-02-2018
27 September 2018 15:43

Hi Kim, thought I could see you on the south shore.

The 2 birds present are separate from the 1st individual - although one is a juv/1w bird, the bird present currently is in a more advanced moult state than the original bird (mantle, throat, secondaries all moulted), not sure about the sex though.


Kim Howard
Kim Howard
Total Posts:  48
Joined  06-10-2016
27 September 2018 14:22

Both grey phalaropes, little gull, black tern and great white egret all still present this morning until around 08:30.  With the phalaropes feeding close together, I was able to see a difference in size between them and suppose that the smaller bird (being the first one to arrive, I think) is a male and the other, greyer bird is a female.

Also, meadow pipits are on the move with 8 along the western bank; until this morning I’ve only seen ones or twos here this autumn.

Mike Moxon
Mike Moxon
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26 September 2018 17:17

Both phalarope & black tern still here (tern travelling between spit & cheddar tower today), great white egret was until balloon took off about 5 pm.

Photos of the little gull on avonbirding & Facebook, but I didn’t stay around long enough to see it.


David Chislett
David Chislett
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Joined  29-03-2016
25 September 2018 17:20

All 4 still present as per yesterday except phalaropes twice made visits to Cheddar tower giving very close views.

Some pictures on my flickr page.

David Chislett
David Chislett
Total Posts:  44
Joined  29-03-2016
24 September 2018 12:56

This morning. 2 Grey phalarope on spit next to sailing club. Black tern and Little gull hunting insects in front of Cheddar Tower.

neville hiscox
neville hiscox
Total Posts:  224
Joined  03-01-2016
22 September 2018 11:50

along with the Tern dancing on the water picking off flies?  noticed a very pale wader of some sort[phal?  [airborne] heading toward Weare, and of note the male Mandarin was among the other ducks close to the Axbridge gate