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Committee and Contacts

Join the Somerset Ornithological Society

To contact us, click on the name of the committee member (where highlighted).



President Position vacant

Vice President

David Ballance


Mat Ridley 

Honorary Secretary

Nick Smith 

Bird Recorder

Brian Gibbs

Assistant Bird Recorder & Editor of The Bittern

Julian Thomas

Membership Secretary and Acting Treasurer

Dick Best

Indoor Meetings Secretary - position vacant

Field Meetings Secretary Alison Everett

BTO Representative for Somerset

Eve Tigwell
Committee Members

Dave Dawe

Matt Slaymaker 

Alastair Stevenson

Rarities Committee

James Packer    (Chairman)

Brian Gibbs

Julian Thomas

Nick Wall

Tom Raven

Ringing Co-ordinator

Denise Wawman

Become a Member of Somerset Ornithological Society.