The Society shall be called ''The Somerset Ornithological Society''
The objects of the Society shall be:
a. To further the study of birds.
b. To assist in their preservation.
The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members, Student Members below the age of 21, and such Honorary Life Members as may be elected at an Annual General Meeting of the Society in recognition of outstanding work for the Society.
The annual subscription is payable on the 1st of January. Its amount shall be determined by the General Committee from time to time. Not less than 6 months notice of any increase in subscription shall be given to Members. The husband, wife or partner of an Ordinary Member, and children under 18, may become Associates without extra charge but will not receive a separate copy of each Society publication.
Each Annual General Meeting of the Society shall elect a Chairman, one or more Secretaries, a Treasurer, Recorder and Assistant Recorder. These shall be termed the Officers of the Society and shall be eligible for re-election. The General Committee may propose an Honorary President of the Society for election at the Annual General Meeting. Such Honorary President shall hold office for five years and be eligible for re-election. The President may offer advice and guidance to the General Committee, but shall not be entitled to vote at its meetings.
The General Committee may also propose up to three Vice Presidents of the Society for election at the Annual General Meeting. Such Vice Presidents shall hold office for five years and be eligible for re-election. At the culmination of their terms, Honorary Presidents and Vice Presidents may be offered Life Membership of the Society. Vice Presidents who are not an Officer may offer advice and guidance to the General Committee, but shall not be entitled to vote at its meetings
In pursuance of Section b. of Rule 2, it is the declared policy of the Society actively to further the effective protection of birds in the County, and to observe the law on the subject. Any member who, being reported to have acted in a manner seriously prejudicial to the declared policy or to the general interest of the Society, fails in the opinion of a two-thirds majority of those present at a meeting (after due announcement on the agenda) to give a satisfactory explanation of his or her conduct, shall cease to be a member of the Society.
Meetings shall be held not less that twice a year.
The Committee shall each year appoint an Editorial Committee to consist of the Recorder and at least three other Members, who shall prepare the Annual Report, Somerset Birds.
The Annual General Meeting shall elect the Chairman and Members of the Somerset Ornithological Society Rarities Committee (SOSRC) in accordance with 3 of the SOSRC constitution. The first election will take place at the 2010 AGM and thence every two years.
Changes in these rules may be proposed at an Annual General Meeting, or at any regular Indoor Meeting, provided that at least 14 days notice be given to all Members of any motion to this effect. A two-thirds majority of Members present will be required.
The Society may only be wound up by a vote in favour by two-thirds of the members present at a properly constituted Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. If the Society is dissolved, any assets remaining after settlement of all its known debts and liabilities shall be disposed of by donation to a charitable organisation chosen by a majority of the members present at the said meeting.